
Showing posts from August, 2020

ORA-65036: pluggable database PDB$SEED not open in required mode

ORA-65036 can be returned when creating a PDB using the DBCA or the command line (SQLPLUS). Background is when creating a PDB Oracle depends on PDB$SEED to get the required template for the new PDB. If the PDB$SEED is not in ā€˜read onlyā€™ or ā€˜read writeā€™ mode ora-65036 can be returned. Below is an example where error is returned with mounted state PDB$SEED, SQL> CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE pdb2 ADMIN USER pdb_adm IDENTIFIED BY Password1 CREATE_FILE_DEST='+DATA'; CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE pdb2 ADMIN USER pdb_adm IDENTIFIED BY Password1 CREATE_FILE_DEST='+DATA' * ERROR at line 1: ORA-65036: pluggable database PDB$SEED not open in required mode SQL> show pdbs; CON_ID CON_NAME OPEN MODE RESTRICTED ---------- ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- 2 PDB$SEED MOUNTED 3 ORCLPDB READ WRITE NO SQL> SQL> alter pluggable database PDB$SEED open; Pluggable databa...

ORA-44787: Service cannot be switched into on Oracle 12c PDB

If you encounter ORA-44787 when switching to PDB using alter session set container , main reason for same can be the unavailability of default PDB service. When a PDB is enabled it does starts its own default PDB service with service name set to the PDB name. Although it is possible to create new service for PDB using DBMS_SERVICE.create_service , it is required to keep the default service up and running as it is used by internal operations. If you have stopped the default service it is the main reason for this particular error. Below is a simple example where stopping of default PDB service leads to ORA-44787 Creating the new service SQL> alter session set container=ORCLPDB; Session altered. SQL> BEGIN DBMS_SERVICE.create_service( service_name => 'new_service', network_name => 'NEW_SERVICE' ); END; 2 3 4 5 6 7 / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> exec dbms_service.start_service('new_serv...

Enabling Archive Log on Oracle RAC 12C

Below are the steps to enable Archivelog mode on Oracle RAC 12c. Stop the database as grid (Both instances) srvctl stop database -d ORCL Start the database in mount mode srvctl start database -d ORCL -o mount Login to one db instances and enable archive log mode, ora12c@racbprdb2:~$ sqlplus sys as sysdba SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sun Aug 9 11:25:57 2020 Copyright (c) 1982, 2016, Oracle. All rights reserved. Enter password: Connected to: Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production SQL> SQL> select name, open_mode from v$database; NAME OPEN_MODE --------- -------------------- ORCL MOUNTED SQL> ALTER DATABASE ARCHIVELOG; Database altered. SQL> Restart the database, grid12c@racbprdb1:~$ srvctl stop database -d ORCL grid12c@racbprdb1:~$ grid12c@racbprdb1:~$ srvctl start database -d ORCL grid12c@racbprdb1:~$ Check the archivelog mode SQL> sel...

Dataguard for Single Pluggable database skipping the other PDBs

Setup and Backup script When using Oracle multi-tenant architecture there can be situations where it is required to setup Dataguard only for single PDB, skipping the log replication of other PDBs. Below steps can be used to achieve the above configuration on Oracle 12C  setup. The steps mainly stays same to a normal dataguard setup but main difference comes during the recovery where it is required to skip the pdb which is not in the dataguard configuration. Primeary Side PDB configuration is as below. Rman backup script is used to backup the CDB root, PDB$SEED and the PDB1. SQL> show pdbs; CON_ID CON_NAME OPEN MODE RESTRICTED ---------- ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- 2 PDB$SEED READ ONLY NO 3 PDB1 READ WRITE NO 4 PDB2 READ WRITE NO SQL> RMAN backup script --> run { ALLOCATE CHANNEL CH1 DEVICE TYPE DISK FORMAT '/tmp_01/onlback/bk_mis_u%u_s%...

How to relocate RAC VIPs and SCAN IPs between nodes in 12C

Below are the steps that is required to move Oracle RAC VIPs and SCAN IPs between RAC nodes. IP Setup of the RAC as follows, ##Oracle RAC VIP## racbprdb1-vip racbprdb2-vip ##Oracle SCAN IP## scan-test scan-test scan-test 1. Check the current network config grid12c@racbprdb1:~$ srvctl config network Network 1 exists Subnet IPv4:, static Subnet IPv6: Ping Targets: Network is enabled Network is individually enabled on nodes: Network is individually disabled on nodes: grid12c@racbprdb1:~$ grid12c@racbprdb1:~$ srvctl config scan SCAN name: scan-test, Network: 1 Subnet IPv4:, static Subnet IPv6: SCAN 1 IPv4 VIP: SCAN VIP is enabled. SCAN VIP is individua...

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Hello, This blog contains various concepts and troubleshooting steps related to multiple database technologies ranging from on-premises Oracle 9i database to Oracle cloud, DB2 and AWS. Idea is to share the knowledge on topics which are lightly documented, so that the site can help some one out during critical system troubleshooting. Contact -- Oracle Community Profile (Whiz Contributor) Mail - 

Oracle Multitenant - Create new service for PDB using DBMS_SERVICE

When an Oracle PDB is created it starts up a default service with the PDB name. For direct connections to    PDB this service can be used. But there are situations where new service name is required in PDB level, common example is after a PDB restoration/clone, in order to enable application connections without changes in connection string. Setting service_names parameter in PDB level is not possible hence it is not an option in multitenant setup. How to create a new PDB service on Oracle 12C Check the current services, here only the default service is running, SQL> show pdbs; CON_ID CON_NAME OPEN MODE RESTRICTED ---------- ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- 3 NFACTORPDB READ WRITE NO SQL> select service_id, name, pdb from dba_Services; SERVICE_ID NAME PDB ---------- ---------------------------------------- ---------- 7 nfactorpdb NFACTORPDB SQL> ...