DB2 -- ADM13001E "IBMOSauthclient" received error code in .nfy log and diag log

DB2 version → Checked on v8.1 and v9.7, think it is same on other versions. OS → AIX 5 In one of our db2 databases there was a sudden growth of space usage in db2 instance home. This was due to huge .nfy log being creted on db2dump folder. This .nfy log was repeating same error below and was growing very fast, reached 10G within 4 hrs in our case. 2014-12-23- Instance:idsldap Node:000 PID:1695766(db2aud) TID:1 Appid:none bsu security sqlexGetDefaultLoginContext Probe:15 ADM13001E Plug-in "IBMOSauthclient" received error code "-2" from the DB2 security plug-in API "db2secGetDefaultLoginContext" with the error message " ". There were some errors related access violation in diag log as well, 2014-12-23- I137165939A396 LEVEL: Error PID : 1609906 TID : 1 PROC : db2set INSTANCE: idsldap NODE : 000 FUNCTIO...