Multi-Tenancy in Database...

DB - OpenEdge 11.2 OS - Windows Abbreviations - MT -> Multi-Tenancy/Tenant, OE -> OpenEdge Recently we had to go through on MT architecture and had to use OpenEdge for the implementation. From this post I am hoping to discuss the summary of MT architecture and a very simple use case for demonstrating multi-tenancy support in db level using OpenEdge 11.2. Multy-Tenancy is a resource sharing concept where deferent tenants (Logical set of users – eg. different clients of a cloud service provider) are accessing same service despite having well differentiated data access, security and resource allocations. Multi Tenancy support was there for infrastructure layer (IaaS providers) and also for application layer. Now database vendors provide MT support built in to the database layer as well so the users can access fully shared applications without even knowing it. Below image demonstrate the shared tenant access where all entities (Infras...