MySQL Audit triggers


How do you enable auditing in MySQL? There are multiple options including plugins, external tools, custom scripts etc. Among these using triggers is a popular and straight forward method when the audit scope is well defined. Specially when it is required set of application tables for DML this is a suitable option.

Generating audit triggers can be tedious task as it will be repetitive task to create the triggers. Also, over time it would be difficult to track what tables are being audited for which options. Also using ad hoc audit triggers results in ad hoc audit meta data.


What if we can use built in MySQL procedure to have standard way to enable DML audit for given set of tables and track what tables being audited for which audit options.

This repo provide MySQL procedures that will help in creating DML (update, insert, delete) audit triggers quickly while managing metadata on audited tables. As of now repo consists of six sql files.

Github Repo Usage guide


Need to be executed first on the MySQl database instance audited. This will,

  • Create “audit” database - Will contain audit meta data table and audit data tables.
  • Create “auditmgr” user – owns the audit database and its objects.
  •  Create “audit_meta_data” table – list audited tables and the enabled audit options (insert, delete, update)


Need to be executed inside audit database created on step 1. Create the procedure “create_audit_table” which used to add audited tables to system. Example in order to audit table product on test database run,

call create_audit_table('audit' , 'test.product');.

This will,

  •  Create audit data table named, “audit_<table_schema>_<table_name>” .e.g audit_test_product as per example.
  • Insert row to audit_meta_data table corresponding to given table. e.g as per example ->

table added to audit_meta_data


Need to be executed inside audit database. Create the procedure “proc_create_after_update_trigger” which when run with audited table as input parameter (e.g test.product in step two) will print the required after update trigger to enable Update auditing.

 If the trigger command is executed any update on audited table will insert audit data on relevant audit table.

e.g in test.product table example if after update trigger is created and any update happen it will have audit data on audit.audit_test_product table in below format,

After update audit trigger generate audits


Need to be executed inside audit database. Simler to above but this is for insert. Create the procedure “proc_create_after_insert_trigger” which when run with audited table as input parameter (e.g test.product in step two) will print the required after insert trigger to enable Update auditing.


Need to be executed inside audit database. Simler to above but this is for delete. Create the procedure “proc_create_after_delete_trigger” which when run with audited table as input parameter (e.g test.product in step two) will print the required after delete trigger to enable Update auditing.

Once a table is added to audit system and all three (insert, delete, updated) trigger types are generated and created using above procedures the audit data generation will continue. Below is sample audit data generated for test.product table we discussed as the example.

trigger based mysql audit data

The generated audit table will contain all the columns of original table to include the actual data that got updated (OLD and NEW both), deleted or inserted. Then there are five audit meta data columns,

  • id_trigtrack – audit record id
  • datetime_trigtrack – data changed time
  • user_trigtrack – user who did the change
  • host_trigtrack – connected hostname of user who made the change
  • audit_type_trigtrack – UPDATE_NEW&OLD in case of update, INSERT or DELETE


Overall, this can be a nice entry point for managed trigger based MySQL DML audit system which enable uniform audit data management within MySQL without any plugins or external tools. It do has some clear improvement point including wrapper function for each procedure, simplified input parameter management, ability to disable any single audit option etc.


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