Stop AWS RDS instance using the CLI

The easiest method to start/stop AWS RDS instance based on schedule is by using AWS CLI inside a bash/bat script.

Download and configure the AWS CLI.

Install AWS CLI –
Configure AWS CLI for the VPC –

CLI Commands.

Use “rds stop-db-instance” and “rds start-db-instance” commands in a simple bat file as below,
 set userprofile=C:\Users\07766  
 aws rds stop-db-instance --db-instance-identifier qa-rds-ban
 aws rds stop-db-instance --db-instance-identifier dev-rds-ban
 aws rds stop-db-instance --db-instance-identifier uat-rds-ban
It is required to set the userprofile of the user who configured the AWS CLI in the bat script
set userprofile=C:\Users\<username>
If you have not configured the AWS CLI using the security parameters, it is required to add below configuration to the script,
        aws configure set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID <access_key>
        aws configure set AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY <secret_key>
        aws configure set default.region <region>
Once the bat file is ready simple windows task scheduler would do the trick.


This is just a simple script to start/stop rds instance on a particular time. There is no verification mechanism included in the script, which can be added by using the rds describe-db-instances command.
e.g - aws rds describe-db-instances --db-instance-identifier qa-rds-mob-ban --no-verify-ssl | findstr "DBInstanceStatus"


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