MariaDB 10.1 Galera cluster - new changes in setup
Was doing a POC on Galera cluster on MariaDB 10.1 and below are some of the points where we had to troubleshoot when setting up based on below Mariadb document -- Above document is based on MariaDB 5.5 hence the below changes were required. 1. From new version " wsrep_on=ON " parameter must be set. In all cluster nodes /etc/my.cnf.d/server.cnf should be edited to set wsrep_on=ON. Other wise wsrep_ready parameter will be in off status and cluster will not be functional. 2. When bootstraping the cluster first node must be started with "galera_new_cluster" command. mysqld --wsrep-new-cluster is not supported in new version. 3. Both SElinux and firewalld needs to configured (Stopped) to allow required communication between cluster nodes. If there any " [ERROR] WSREP: wsrep::connect(gcomm:" errors recorded in the logs that can be...